3,000 lightning rods removed, what is currently protecting us?
May 19, 2020
Complete adaptation of the health station in Radenkovic, Sremska Mitrovica
May 19, 2020„Tesla sistemi d.o.o.” company has been authorized to organize and conduct training for taking a special professional exam for the preparation of disaster risk assessment and protection and rescue plan. The authorization was issued by the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia, Sector for Emergency Situations.
Disaster risk assessment identifies the type, character and origin of individual disaster risks, the degree of vulnerability, factors that cause or increase the degree of possible danger, consequences that may occur on human life and health, the environment, material and cultural goods, services and economic activities, as well as other assumptions relevant to the conduct of normal life, economic and social activities.
Disaster risk assessment is prepared and adopted by the Republic of Serbia, the Autonomous Province, local self-government units, entities of special importance for protection and rescue, except for associations, clubs and associations; companies, health care institutions except pharmacies; preschool and school institutions and faculties for all facilities where children stay, ie facilities where classes take place; social protection institutions for the facilities where the beneficiaries reside.
The risk assessment is prepared and passed by legal entities that manage business, trade, sports, catering and accommodation facilities and facilities for the capacity of more than 100 persons, and if the facilities are intended for children under 14, regardless of capacity.
The assessment aims to identify, define and analyze all issues related to the current situation, hazards, effects of consequences, risk treatment and community responses to natural and other disasters, as follows:
- Description and condition of protected values,
- Risks and causes that can lead to accidents,
- Consequences that can occur due to the occurrence of danger,
- Determining the appropriate organization and implementation of prevention measures,
- Assessment of needs and possibilities in providing human and material potentials.