Installation of metal detector doors
May 19, 2020
International Conference “Protecting the Future”
May 19, 2020„Bambi“ is an institution with a good tradition, about 50 years long. It has many years of good cooperation with business entities and institutions in its environment. The institution has gained the trust of parents and the affection of local self-government, which is the basis for further development and progress. Openness to the family and active participation of parents and guardians in the work is one of the basic goals of the institution.
As of September, there are places for 150 more children in the preschool institution “Bambi”, because one of the oldest facilities of that institution was reconstructed and upgraded, in which there were slightly more than 960 children on a full-day stay.
Tesla sistemi – The leading system integrator in Serbia The leading system integrator in Serbiaparticipated in the reconstruction and upgrade of the kindergarten.
In the kindergarten, connection and distribution cabinets, supply water supply systems for elevator cabinets, installation conductors and equipment were installed, a protective lightning protection installation was done and the installation of the institution itself was examined.
Distribution cabinets are used to supply electricity to facilities, various events such as festivals, sporting events and the like. They often combine the connection-measuring and distribution function.
Cables, wires and cable equipment represent an important segment in the functioning of all types of electrical systems.
Proper calculation and selection of cables and conductors: copper, aluminum, optical, etc., of the appropriate type and cross-section according to technical regulations in the field of electrical engineering, is a prerequisite for proper, technically safe and secure operation of electrical systems in the building.
The institution performs other activities to a lesser extent,
which contribute to the offer of programs and services and more complete use of capacities and means, such as: organization of attending foreign language schools, dancing, production of didactic material, organization of children’s recreational stay on the mountain and organization of day trips.